Tuesday, March 19, 2013

First Post

Hi everyone!  I'm giving blogging a go again.  Last time consisted of one post so let's see if I can get in a routine here.  Still in the learning stage on how to do all this so please be patient.  But anyways.... I love to write and people usually like hearing about my adventures, opinions, and such so I thought it was about time to share them with the world.  As some of you know I am preparing to move to Dubai, UAE where Marc has been working since September.  I had the pleasure of visiting for Christmas and New Years which was an amazing trip!

Largest Mall in the World!

Tallest Tower in the World!
May will be when the big move happens along with graduating from school with my Bachelors in Business Management.  Can't wait to be done with everything and all packed to move.  So, for these last few months I'm going to visit family and friends as much as I can before the big day.  This is going to be an exciting new life chapter that will be bitter sweet with everyone back in the states.  But with the help of technology and this blog I am hoping to keep everyone connected to my First Class Kambree adventures!    



  1. Kambree, I love it! If you want help with your blog design I know some people who can help you! You just pay them a certain price and they make your blog look awesome. Also, add a bloglovin button if you can and the GFC follower thing on the side!! And take off word verification for comments lol.

    1. Ok I removed the verification and added the bloglovin button!! So, that's a start. Thank you for the help :)

    2. if your Kambree Sue Moses call at 050 2964210

  2. To a new beginning...my your friends find you and your non-friends never..

  3. Forgot to comment on this! Totally interested in what you have to say. Also, Dubai is a hub for my hub's field, so who knows - I could join you some day!
